Tips for Staying Sober

four smiling women standing close to each other

Addiction is a terrible disease that can impact every aspect of your life. Relationships, family, career. This affliction takes no prisoners, and grants no safe quarter for anyone. Although challenging, recovery and sobriety are a real possibility for those who want to make a positive change in their lives. If you’re in recovery, you know […]

Emotional Sobriety Explained

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For some, the term emotional sobriety might bring images of a ‘happy’ individual, healthily coping and well-adjusted to sobriety. However, even those who are emotionally sober experience the same difficulties and mental anguish that many of us do, often exacerbated by the aftermath of addiction. In this guide, we explore what emotional sobriety is, and […]

63 Fun Sober Activities

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Overcoming addiction is a challenge, perhaps the biggest one you’ll face in your lifetime. But its also a rewarding experience and a journey well-worth pursuing. That said, it might be difficult to find alternatives to formerly fun, but toxic and harmful activities. Many individuals who have achieved sobriety find that it is hard to come […]

Symptoms of Alcoholism

woman sitting on the edge of a bed with hands together

Alcohol is probably the most used drug in the world. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), more than 85.6% of US adults admit to drinking alcohol at least once in their lifetime. Drinking alcohol can be fun and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a bottle of wine or a […]